Create table with Rasch PCM model item fit values for each item.
samplesize = 200,
nsamples = 8,
cpu = 4,
zstd_min = -1.96,
zstd_max = 1.96,
msq_min = 0.7,
msq_max = 1.3,
fontsize = 15,
fontfamily = "Lato",
output = "table",
tbl_width = 65,
method = "conditional"
- dfin
Dataframe with item data only
- samplesize
Desired sample size in multisampling (recommended range 200-500)
- nsamples
Desired number of samples (recommended range 8-50)
- cpu
Number of CPU cores to utilize (default = 4)
- zstd_min
Lower cutoff level for ZSTD
- zstd_max
Upper cutoff level for ZSTD
- msq_min
Lower cutoff level for MSQ
- msq_max
Upper cutoff level for MSQ
- fontsize
Set fontsize for table
- fontfamily
Set font family for table
- output
Defaults to output a table. Optional "dataframe" or "quarto"
- tbl_width
Set table width in percent
- method
Defaults to "conditional". Optional "unconditional"
Special version of RIitemfitPCM()
that utilizes multiple CPU cores to improve
performance. Requires library(doParallel)
. To find how many cores you
have on your computer, use parallel::detectCores()
, but remember to keep
some cores free.
See documentation for RIitemfitPCM()
for more complete information.