Outputs a histogram of person fit ZSTD and a plot with person fit ZSTD and person location/score. Defaults to output a histogram and a hex heatmap.
- dfin
Dataframe with item data only
- model
Rasch model to use, "PCM" or "RM"
- pointsize
Size of datapoints for grouped view
- alpha
Transparency of points (0-1 where 1 = not transparent)
- bins
Number of bins for hexplot
- group
Optional grouping variable
- output
Can also be "rowid" for a dataframe with rownumbers
- infit_lim
Lower/upper limit for person infit ZSTD
Optional grouped output with colorized points.
You can also get a vector with row numbers for persons with infit ZSTD
over/under +/- 1.96 by using output = "rowid"
. Or the full dataframe
with all respondents infit ZSTD and estimated theta values with
output = "dataframe
If you desire another cutoff than +/- 1.96, it can be set with infit_lim
Note: theta estimation is done using ML, which is not optimal but should be sufficient for this analysis.